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Who Can Stand?

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

O Lord!

We remember! We remember that YOU are the one who gives us power to be successful. You are the one who gives strength. You are the one who has flooded this land with goodness our past history as a Nation. We look to you and you alone. You are the author and the finisher and you have already accomplished what you have purposed in your heart for President Trump and America.

There is no mountain high enough that can keep us from getting to you! You are close and nearby. You are an on time God. You will reveal yourself. You will reveal this wickedness in our land. You are already revealing and shining out truth. Pull the covers off and expose the workings of darkness. They are being exposed and expunged. Let your judgement come forth!

Lord of the Angel Armies! Shoot forth your piercing arrows of judgment and justice and strike at the heart of the matter. Strike down Dominion. Bring this fraud and everyone involved to their knees. Shoot forth your glory arrows and pierce the darkness that has invaded this land and this election process. Strike fear in the hearts of men and cause them to come forward with the truth.

Strike down mainstream media - the false prophets of Baal that are adding to the fray. Strike down the corrupt politicians scrambling to protect themselves at any cost. Strike down these mayors and governors with their lockdowns. Strike down the root of covid. Strike down the fear of covid. Strike down the public health officials and CDC that continue to threaten us with every freedom we have. We rebuke their lies!

Strike them down Lord of the Heavenly Hosts. Come with millions of angels to surround the enemy on every side and strike down every lie and mischief that is being fed to the people. Let the light of your glory shine forth TRUTH. Let freedom reign in America and the Nations of the earth.

Send the Great Awakening! Wake up the people to truth. Wake up the people and bring salvation and righteousness. Tear the veil from the eyes of those blinded by the enemy. Set the captives free! Set ALL the captives free! He that the Son sets free is free indeed! We declare freedom over America! We stand up as the mighty remnant of the Most High God and WE TAKE IT BACK!

We stand UP in the face of the enemy and continue to declare that no weapon that you form against will prosper or succeed. Your plans will fall. Your evil minions will flail and falter when the Lord himself sends confusion to the camp of the enemy. We tear down your strongholds over America and declare you null and void! We call you out. Enemy! You are coming down! You are exposed!

This is what the Lord says! Who can stand before the descendants of Anak? Who can stand before the giants in the land. Tell me! Who? The Lord mighty in battle. The Lord who is a consuming, devouring fire who will consume and devour our enemies from before us. Oh yes! The Lord! That’s who!

We recognize you Lord! Oh yes! The Lord your God is the one who will cross over ahead of you like a devouring fire to destroy them. He will subdue them so that you will quickly conquer them and drive them out, just as the Lord has promised.

After the Lord your God has done this for you, don’t say in your hearts, The Lord has given us this land because we are such good people! No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is pushing them out of your way.

O Holy Father. We recognize that it is because of your covenant that you will rescue us. It is not because of our good. It is because YOU ARE GOOD. Come and devour the enemy and push this wickedness out of our way. They think they are strong and tall. They think they are more powerful and greater. But we have news for them! The Lord God himself goes before us in battle and he will CONSUME you!

O Holy Lord! Come like the rain and then burst forth your truth and righteousness like the sun and let your glory shine forth from America to the Nations. We declare victory over the election, President Trump and America! We are the ones who will take a stand and take it back!

In Jesus name. So be it!


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