You always make yourself known among the nations and even the heathen. We have GREAT CONFIDENCE in the power of your holy and righteous name. We have GREAT CONFIDENCE in your ability to thwart the enemy and stop him in his tracks!
These enemies against America, Freedom, the Church and even God himself may boast about their victories. They can plan destruction and set their plans in motion. They can cut holiness and righteousness with their razor sharp tongues. They can filet the truth until it is just a shred. They can love evil more than good and lies more than the truth. We declare this evil will be short lived!
So we say to these demonic lying strongholds of rebellion and perversion - WHO ARE YOU? Your day of justice is coming and is nigh at hand. God’s JUSTICE will prevail and it continues forever!
We declare! The LORD strong and mighty will pull these demonic strongholds down and cast them from the earth. He will pull them from their stolen homes and uproot them from the land of the living. You cannot keep that which has been stolen and that which is not yours! You cannot have this Nation under God. You cannot have her people or her children. You cannot have our freedom. You cannot stop the church!
We declare! To those who are emboldened in their lying deceitful ways. WHO ARE YOU?
We declare! To those who have usurped the thrones of man. WHO ARE YOU?
We declare! To those who have killed and tortured the children. WHO ARE YOU?
We declare! To those who pervert truth and believe a lie. WHO ARE YOU? Your gates of hellish behavior will not prevail.
We declare! The LORD strong and mighty will strike at the core, send confusion and chaos to the camp of the enemy and obliterate the devil and his minions. The Spirit of the LORD will perform it! The zeal of the LORD will accomplish it!
“So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. WHO ARE YOU, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of Grace, Grace to it!” Zechariah 4:6-7
O Hallelujah! So says the Word of the Lord. We believe it. We declare it. These mountains of tyranny will fall flat in America! We know who they are and we know who our great God is! God will SHED HIS GRACE on America once again and God will BLESS AMERICA once again!
So be it! In Jesus name.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1

Amen! Love this!