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We Take No Rest!

Father God.

We start to see glimmers go hope. We start to see this massive, concrete wall cracking as we chip away piece by piece with our prayers and declarations. We stand in the gap for America. We are the watchers on the wall.

O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. TAKE NO REST, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth.

We take no rest. But we will take ALL the enemies of the Lord Most High. We take them prisoner! The enemies to freedom! You will NOT succeed. He that the Son sets free is free indeed. The Son has no rival and no equal. You will NOT win this battle.

Woe to you! YOU who are arresting innocent worshippers. YOU will bow before the Lord Jesus. YOU will answer for your wrongs. YOU will come to justice.

Woe to you! YOU who arrest and take innocent mothers from their children sitting outside without a mask. YOU will pay for your sins. YOU will pay for your tyranny. YOU will not take away the breath of life from us! YOU will not!

Woe to you! YOU governors, mayors and public officials. YOU health departments and YOU school boards. YOU who take advantage of children. YOU who seek to control, manipulate and indoctrinate. YOU who make them out to be muzzled hostages and hidden behind plastic shields. YOU will pay for your demonic evil deeds.

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Satan! We are aware of you and your plots and schemes against America. Against President Trump. Against the Church of the Living God. We are aware! And we TAKE NO REST in pulling you down. Casting you out. And declaring the Word of the Lord to your evil face. In Jesus name! Get thee behind me Satan!

We declare God’s Holy Word! We faithfully preach the truth. God’s POWER is working in us. We use the weapons of righteousness in our right hand for attack and the left for defense.

We will not back down. We are relentless in pursuit of the enemy and his minions. We are the temple of the living God and he walks among us. He is our God and we are his people. He will not be mocked. And he WILL repay the enemy for his evil.

We are the mighty sons and daughters of the Most High King. We declare the enemy is defeated. Covid is defeated. This hoax is defeated. This attempt to sabotage our freedoms is defeated. Socialism is defeated.

In Jesus name. We declare this government overreach and tyranny is defeated. Every lawsuit will be won. Every judge will rule in the favor of life and liberty. We rise up as the mighty army of Yahweh. We will not be defeated. We take no rest!

So be it!

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