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Writer's pictureCheryl


“One day the Pharisees asked Jesus, When will the Kingdom of God come?Jesus replied, “The Kingdom of God can’t be detected by visible signs. You won’t be able to say, ‘Here it is!’ or ‘It’s over there!’ For the Kingdom of God is ALREADY AMONG YOU.” Luke‬ ‭17:20-21‬

Father. Here we stand in the Kingdom of God. You are here! You are moving in our midst. We worship you. We praise you. We love you we thank you for who you are!

You are the King of the Ages.

You are creator God.

You are divine.

You are the breath giver.

You are peace speaker.

You are the waymaker.

You are peace in the storm.

You are the STORM!

You are in complete control.

You are the great director behind the scenes and you are moving in the earth!

You are HERE among us!

You are the LIGHT!

You are the GLORY!

You shun the darkness and it cannot overtake the light! It cannot! This present darkness that broods over the earth cannot and will not put out the brightness and brilliance of the GLORY OF THE LORD! This present darkness has no comprehension of the fullness of your GLORY. It must bow down!

Your kingdom is already among us. There is no demonic force that can defeat the LORD. There is no fake ruler or his hounds of hell that can overtake the Kingdom of God. Oh yes! The Kingdom is among us! The Hosts of Heaven surround us. The warring angels of righteousness are tearing down the walls of unrighteousness. Our tears and prayers are filling the bowls in heaven to overflowing!

O Glorious King! Blow the winds of your presence across the earth. Let the winds blow! Blow across America. Uproot the trees of unrighteousness. Uproot the perversion. Uproot false leaders and governments across the earth. Uproot devious plans of takeover. Uproot illegal actions, plans and schemes. Uproot tainted banking systems and financial institutions. UPROOT THEM ALL and let their roots wither in the light of your GLORY!

We declare over America and the Nations. Now is the time! “A time for birth and a time for death; a time for planting and a time for UPROOTING.” Ecclesiastes 3:2

Clean house in America and the Nations! We declare the LORD has brought us this far and He is NOT finished with us yet! His will and His way will be performed. Nothing can stop him. These tangled webs of demonic and perverted roots will be EXPOSED! We declare this evil in the kingdom of the earth to be UPROOTED, exposed and expunged. We declare the Lord strong and mighty WILL reveal his GLORY to the earth!

So be it! In Jesus name.




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