The earth is yours. We are yours. America is yours. Israel is yours. The Nations are yours. We praise you because we are your children. Your chosen ones. We have been called out. We have been culled from this woke culture and we stand unbending to this barrage of lies and deception. We stand in YOUR truth.
Thank you for your hand of mercy that has rescued us from the dark, murky waters that surround us. Thank you for discernment. Thank you for pulling us into your glorious light! We can see clearly now! Help our brothers and sisters to see past this fog into the light. In Jesus name. LET DISCERNMENT RISE WITHIN YOUR CHURCH!
O LORD! We thank you for your unfailing love. It is better than life. We lift our hands to you in praise. You are helper in times of need. You are deliverer when the enemy is in hot pursuit. You are peace in the storm. You are the master of the seas. You are in the wind and the rain. You surround us and You are the hope of mankind!
You are the Savior of the world. You have forgiven us our sins. We have repented for ourselves and our Nation and you will hear from heaven and heal the land. You will obliterate the enemies against your people. You always have. You always will. Your covenant stands sure. Your Word stands infallible. Your presence never leaves. You inspire us with SHOUTS OF JOY!
“YOU faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior.
“YOU are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.
“YOU formed the mountains by your power and armed yourself with mighty strength.
“YOU quieted the raging oceans with their pounding waves and silenced the shouting of the nations.
“Those who live at the ends of the earth stand in awe of your wonders. From where the sun rises to where it sets, YOU inspire shouts of joy.” Psalms 65:5-8
We stand in awe of YOU! We look to YOU!
We trust in YOU alone! We are in this together and we give YOU control of this ship. We declare! We will not sink Into these mucky, demonic depths! YOU are the source of our strength. YOU are the strength of our life. YOU are the strength of America and President Trump. YOU are the strength of the Church.
Come! Come! Come to ALL the earth and surround us with your strength, your goodness and your holiness. Sail across the heavenly seas with your Heavenly Host of rescuing and warring angels. You are Savior! You are Defender! You are Deliverer! Invade our homes and churches with your GLORY! Invade America and the Nations with your GLORY!
O LORD of ALL Creation - the earth, the seas and the skies. Send revival and restoration. Come and renew the earth with your goodness. We invite YOU to dwell among us!
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1
