We declare over the enemies of El Shaddai. God Almighty! The Mighty God of Jacob! The God with ultimate power over all! Over every enemy of the throne. Over MY enemy says the LORD.
“What sorrow awaits Assyria (MY enemy), the rod of my anger. I use it as a club to express my anger. I am sending Assyria against a godless nation, against a people with whom I am angry.
“Assyria will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet. But the king of Assyria will not understand that he is MY tool; his mind does not work that way. His plan is simply to destroy, to cut down nation after nation.”
“After the LORD HAS USED the king of Assyria to accomplish HIS purposes on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem (America), he will turn against the king of Assyria and punish him - for he is proud and arrogant.
“He boasts, “By my own powerful arm I have done this. With my own shrewd wisdom I planned it. I have broken down the defenses of nations and carried off their treasures.
“I have knocked down their kings (Trump) like a bull. I have robbed their nests of riches and gathered up kingdoms as a farmer gathers eggs. No one can even flap a wing against me or utter a peep of protest.” Isaiah 10
The LORD would say to these pompous, kingdom stealing enemies ... I am the LORD!
The LORD will be a fire! The Holy One will be a flame!
The LORD will devour the thorns and briers with fire, burning up their tangled webs in a single night.
The LORD will consume His enemy’s pompous and boastful works like a fire consumes a forest in a fruitful land. And they will surely waste away.
The LORD says do not be afraid of this oppression. My anger will end with you and I will TURN on my enemies! My anger will rise up to destroy them and their evil works of darkness. He will lash out with his holy whip like Gideon and raise his staff like Moses parting the Red Sea. He will break the yoke of slavery and oppression and lift it from our shoulders!
We declare the Word of the LORD over these modern day Assyrians - the enemies of El Shaddai. God Almighty! The Mighty God of Jacob! America shall survive! Trump shall survive! We shall survive and thrive as the REMNANT of the LORD.
“A REMNANT will return; yes, the remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God.” Isaiah 10:21
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
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