O praise the LORD!
Praise Him, all you nations! Praise Him, all you people! For His lovingkindness prevails over us [and we triumph and overcome through Him]. And the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!
O Hallelujah! We say! We will triumph. We will overcome. We will triumph in the House. We will triumph in the Senate. The President will be triumphant once again and win this election in a landslide of epic proportions. We declare it! We bind it!
Verily I say unto you! Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. In the name of Jesus! Yes yes yes!
The Lord is for us, so we will have no fear! What can mere people do to us? Oh yes! The Lord is for us. He will help us. We will look in triumph at those who hate us. Oh yes we will! Hallelujah to the Lord in high!
We will stare down the haters, idolators and liars. We will stare them down with the authority of the Lord. These hostile hordes that surround us will separate and fall apart. We pound down every demonic spirit over them and destroy them with the authority of the Lord.
Every stronghold, principality and power setup to overtake America. Every ruler in the high places and every demonic spirit sent to harass and harangue. We destroy them with the authority of the Lord and cast them to the depths of the sea.
We stare covid’s ugly crowned head down with no fear in our eyes. And we destroy it with the authority of the Lord. We stand UP in the face of these fear mongers. And we destroy their lies, their haughty looks, their shaming and defaming with the authority of the Lord!
We stand fearless in the face of our foes! The strong right arm of the Lord has done glorious things. The strong right arm of the Lord is raised in triumph!
We will not die; instead, we will live to tell what the Lord has done. The Lord has punished us severely, but he did not let us die.
Open up the gates where the righteous enter! O Hallelujah. And we will go in and thank the Lord. These gates lead to the presence of the Lord where the godly enter.
We stand at the gates crying holy holy holy is the Lord. He is triumphant in battle. O Lord! We praise you! Your unfailing love and faithfulness endures forever! You have made us triumphant!
In Jesus name. Amen.
