Almighty God.
This is what your Word says! In the beginning you created the heavens and the earth. You are the creator and we are the created ones. And there is nothing that can separate us from you! Nothing!
There is no power great enough to stop the Lord God Jehovah. Oh no! There is not! The One who rides on the winds and makes the clouds his footstool. Mighty is His name! There is no one like Jehovah. The one who goes before us in battle. The one who surrounds us on all sides. Our front guard and rear guard.
The one who prepares a feast before us in plain sight of my enemies! You set our table with goodness while the enemy watches on. You refresh our heads with oil. Our cups are completely full and overrunning! We bask in the fullness of your love and mercy even while surrounded by the enemy.
When it seems like we are sitting in the middle of darkness you refresh us with your light, your love, your hope, your mercy and your grace. Oh! How we thank you. Oh! How we feel your presence. Oh! How marvelous are your mighty deeds among us!
This is what the Lord says! Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is He who sits above the circle of the earth. And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers.
Oh Lord. Turn the enemies into grasshoppers. Send them hopping and limping away into the barren wilderness. Oh yes! Every enemy of America and this President. Every enemy of morality, righteousness, and integrity. Every enemy of marriage and family. Every enemy of the unborn babies. Send them away by your Spirit. And we will vote them away in November. We declare it to be so!
We call upon the Spirit of the Lord to surround our enemies. Stretch out your Spirit like a curtain over America and hold these enemies at bay! We stand here before you prepared for battle with a holy boldness and courage. We will not back down in our prayers. We will stand up in the face of this demonic onslaught! We are relentless!
This is what the Lord says! He stretches out the heavens like a curtain. And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in. He brings the princes to nothing. He makes the judges of the earth useless. We declare it. We declare uselessness over our enemies. We bind these demonic strongholds and cast them into utter darkness.
Oh yes! Bring these princes of darkness and ill repute to nothing. Make the works of their hand useless! Shatter their kingdoms! Shatter their strongholds! Shatter their demonic forces! Shatter every demonic army raising its ugly head in very city across this great nation. Shatter them to pieces! Shut up the filth of their mouths! In Jesus mighty name! Shut up tight the demonic gates of darkness unleashing this unholy war against the light! Slam them shut!
We say again! We are relentless! We will not back down to this foul, loud mouthed, emboldened demonic attack on this Nation. O El Elyon! O Most High God! Our strength comes from you and you alone! It is by your Spirit that we will prevail! This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel. This is what the Lord says to his enemies. It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
And your Word is always yes and amen. In the mighty name of Jesus. We shall prevail! This is what the Lord says!
So be it!
