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Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

Father God.

You said that the just shall live by faith. Even though we see the arrogant, the haughty and the proud trying to destroy this Nation. We know that soon and very soon they will be displaced from their false high and lofty thrones that have been made by man. Thieves! Unrighteous, unjust, unholy, ungodly thieves! They will get their just reward and what they deserve. The LORD will repay.

“Behold the proud. His soul is not upright in him. But the just shall live by his faith.” Habakkuk‬ ‭2:4‬

Even though we can’t see the way out. We know that you are the waymaker. I love that Lord! YOU always make a way where there seems to be no way! So why shouldn’t we hope and believe and have faith that you will part the seas? Why shouldn’t we believe that these mountains that loom in front of us will fall flat? Why shouldn’t we believe that you are still on the throne? Why shouldn’t we believe that the earth will be filled with your GLORY?

“But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before Him.” Habakkuk‬ ‭2:20‬

O Halleljjah! It’s what your WORD says. It is infallible. It is incomparable! It is incredible! We believe! Oh yes! We believe that your Word will accomplish THE task that needs to be accomplished in the earth. Your Word tells the truth. Your Word is full of righteousness and justice. Your Word is full of warning to the demonic forces and rulers of ungodliness in the high and lofty spiritual realms.

Your WORD says. Woe to the wicked who gather up nations in greed. Woe to the thieves! Woe to those who have gained money dishonestly. Woe to those who build with murder and corruption. Woe to you those pervert with forceful actions. Woe to those who fill the towns with violence.

“Has not the Lord of Heaven’s Armies promised that the wealth of nations will turn to ashes? They work so hard, but all in vain! For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be FILLED with an awareness of the GLORY of the Lord.” Habakkuk‬ ‭2:13-14

So says the Word of the LORD! He does not lie and in Him is all truth! Therefore! We will stand in faith believing that the GLORY of the Lord will fill our land. It will fill our churches and our homes. It will fill our cities, towns and states. It will fill our government halls. It will fill the Nations of the earth. ALL the people will see his GLORY and NOTHING can stand against. No no no! NOTHING can stand against!

So be it! In Jesus name.




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