Father God.
You are a strong God. You are in control. No matter what it looks like or feels like. You are in control no matter what man says. You are in control no matter what the enemy says. The enemy is not God. He is on a leash. He is like a puppet on a string. He can only go so far. We stand above. He is below. He is defeated. So be it!

You! Most Holy One! You alone are God. Elohim! You are God of incredible power and might. Yes! Incredible power! You split the seas wide open! Wide open! You can split this coup wide open that is attempting to split this nation. Oh! God of the Heavens. Come in your incredible power and might and slay our enemies from before us. With a swipe of your mighty powerful right hand swipe them from the face of the earth.
Elohim! Come and slay the giants in the land.The work of your hands are greater than any attempt to destroy America. We stand strong on your Word. We put our roots down deep into your Word. Your Word has lasted from generation to generation. It cannot be destroyed. It will not be destroyed. The power of the Word will destroy the works of the enemy! Oh! Yes it will!
Your Word is truth. It is the truth. Your Word will get us through this. Not the news. Not a post or a tweet. Not videos. Not theories. Not gossip. Not rumors or rumors of wars. Oh! Blessed be the name of the Lord. Your Word will hold us together when all around the world is shifting sand. When the world sinks to the bottom. Your Word stands. When nations rise against nations. Your Word stands. When plagues cover the earth. Your Word stands. When cities in America burn. Your Word stands. When politicians use, accuse and abuse. Your Word stands. When we are lied to and lied about. Your Word stands. When the election feels shaky and our President rocks and reels from onslaught after onslaught. Your Word stands. Your Word stands above it all.
We set our hearts on you. Then they won’t fail within us. We set our faces like flint and stare into the eyes of Jesus. He is the Word. Then we will have courage to withstand the storm. We send our roots down deep into the Word. Then we will not be shaken. Your Word stands. Period. End of story. We do not need fables or stories or thoughts or ideas. We need the Word.
We speak to the darkness! In the name of Jesus. You demons, evil forces and hounds from hell. We declare the Word of the Lord over you! In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. Did you get that enemy? The darkness cannot ever never ever extinguish the light!
Enemy! You have already been defeated by the Word. Jesus defeated you on the cross. He defeated death, hell and the grave. We dig our roots down even deeper into Christ Jesus. The solid rock. He is our defender. We will not be shaken!
In Jesus mighty name. Amen.