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The Stones Along The Road

Writer: CherylCheryl

O Jesus!

You are the bright and morning star. You are the sunshine to our souls. You are the hope to our hearts. You walked the dusty roads of Galilee. You slept in boats. You road on donkeys. To mortal eyes you are just a carpenter. But to us who know you! Oh what a name! Jesus! We cry out to you O Son of David.

We will not be silenced. We will sing your praise. We will not let the stones along the road cry out. The rocks cannot cry out with fleshly hearts! The rocks cannot sing redemption’s song! But we who are redeemed will sing of the mercies of our Lord.

But as he came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead, he began to weep. How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace.

But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes. Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you from every side.

They will crush you into the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you did not recognize it when God visited you.

O Jesus! We are not like the Pharisees. We come to you with humbled hearts and enter your temple of prayer. We recognize who you are. We are like the people in Temple listening to you teach daily. We hang on every word you say! We cling to every promise!

We shout hosanna to your name! We spread our palm branches before you. We shout out our highest praise. We sing songs of your goodness and mercy. We sing glory to your name! Great and mighty things you have done. Great and mighty things you will do. Nothing nothing nothing is too hard for the Lord!

You came! You came and you swept out the temple of the money changers. You knocked over tables and chased them out the doors. You called them what they were. A den of thieves and money changers. You cleaned out the house that day!

Come! Do the same over America, President Trump and Vice President Pence. Knock all of our enemies down flat and chase them out of the land. Chase them away! You are the Lord! The Lord of the Angel Armies. Come in your power and strength and rid the land, rid the land of every anarchist, terrorist and rabble rouser. Bring peace to the land.

Come! Rid our land of this deep seated ring of human traffickers. Chase them away in your anger. We call down the wrath and fury of God over these evil doers. We decree their operations to crumble, stumble and fall to the ground. Crush this operation! Crush it! In Jesus name. Bring salvation to any repentant hearts. But let justice prevail in the courts of law.

Come! Rid the land of these corrupt government officials. Chase them away! They either curse the righteous or they sit idly by protecting their seats and their own hides. Rid our land of these long term, died in the wool politicians who are out for nothing more than political gain and protection for their own family and names. Be gone you brood of vipers. Be gone!

In the name of Jesus! The one who came to set the captives free. Set us free all across America and the nations of the earth from the scourge of covid fear. Set us free! Wake up the people! The fear is worse than the virus. The repercussions of addiction, abuse and suicide far outweigh covid’s numbers. Shut the mouths of the fear mongers. Chase them away!

He that the Son sets free is free indeed. We are FREE! We will not be silenced. We will not be muzzled. We will not shut our mouths or cloister ourselves away. We will stand and see the salvation of the Lord. We will worship and sing out loud and strong our songs of deliverance!

The rocks and stones along the road will NOT cry out for us.

So be it!


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