O Lord our Lord.
Why do the heathen rage? Why are they so angry? Why oh why? Why do they plan rebellions and foolish plots against the King? Don’t they know! Haven’t they heard? The Lord who is mighty in battle. He is the King of Glory. Yahweh is his name! He comes on the wings of the wind with his chariots of fire flanked by the hosts of heaven.
Come! O Yahweh and show yourself mighty over the next few days and weeks as we maneuver through this election. Let your kingdom come! The hounds of hell are yowling and howling out their doom and gloom. But we will rejoice in God our Savior. Thanks be to God who is the one that causes us to triumph. We call out to you Lord knowing that you hear our cries. You are not far off and we are held captive by your loving, fierce gaze.
We are not held captive by the covid. We are not held captive by the lies of the media. We are not held captive by fear! No no no! Our hearts and minds are only held captive to the one who has come to set us free! Jesus Christ. He will use us to spread his knowledge and goodness like a sweet smelling perfume in every place. We rest under the shadow of the Christ not the shadow of the covid!
O Holy One. Send the breath of your Spirit to every polling place across this Nation. Let it wisp and wander through the crowds like a gentle breeze bringing light and truth. Send down the oil of your anointing and raise up a spirit of righteousness among the people of the land. Cause their hearts to turn toward freedom. Cause their hearts to turn toward truth. Tear the deceptive veil from before their eyes and reveal truth before they mark the ballot and cast a vote.
We declare a historic victory in the making! Almighty God! Start the snowball that turns to a wild landslide that slides across this Nation and grows and grows and grows. A landslide that cannot be stopped by all the demonic forces from hell. In Jesus mighty name. We declare the victory start sliding down from the President down to the House and Senate down to the states and cities. We take hold of the horns of the altar and call down this landslide victory until any resistance from the left will be null and void and of no consequence.
We pierce the darkness set up over this nation and the nations of the earth with the light of the Word of God. Let your spirit rain down. Cover the earth with your glory! Every nation. Every tongue. Every tribe. We rebuke the devourer. We rebuke this demonic covid from the earth. We rebuke the spirit of covid fear. We curse it from our midst and dispel it back to the darkness.
We rebuke these goat nations, government leaders and elitists who think they are God. We rebuke their attempts at using covid to throw the world into turmoil with a global reset and to usher in the new world order. We rebuke their lies and their arrogant and pompous opinions of themselves. Who do they think they are? They have exalted themselves. They will be brought down. They will be brought to nothing and will be reduced to the dust under our feet as the enemies of the Lord Most High.
O Lord. Until then. Hold them at bay. Hold them at bay. Hold them at bay. They cannot cannot change the times and the seasons. They are not all powerful. They are not all knowing. They are not all seeing. They must bow down to the King of Glory. We plead the blood of Jesus to protect and cover the nations of the earth from the wicked and the heathen.
Come to us! Be our shield and fortress. Be our deliverer and our strong tower. Be our shelter in the wind and streams of water in the desert. Come! Be our strong rock in this parched land. Let us rest under your shadow. Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done in the earth as it is in heaven.
In Jesus name. So be it!

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