Heavenly Father.
Nothing is impossible for you. Nothing! You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!
We will not let the rocks cry out for us. We will sing a song of deliverance. Like Moses in the wilderness. We will sing your praises of deliverance! When the enemy rages against us. We will sing of your might! When the winds blow and the storms howl. We will sing your praises and dance in the rain. When the possibility of victory seems to shrink and the remnant seems small. We will go ahead and sing the song of victory. Trusting in you and you alone.
Is it impossible for you? Oh no! All things are possible to him who believes. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call. Surely you will save us. Oh! Yes you will.
Your strong arm will deliver the blow to the enemy’s head. Your strong arm will defeat the raging anarchists and kick out the apathetic tyrannical leaders over these cities. Your strong arm will man handle the nefarious attempts at voter fraud. They will not succeed. Your strong arm will push President Trump to victory in this election. We declare it!
Your strong arm will smash covid to smithereens. Your strong arm will banish this spirit of fear. Your strong arm will break the strings of the puppet masters leading people around and controlling them with fear. Your strong arm will pull up the church from the seas of complacency and compromise. Your strong arm will put our enemies to flight! In Jesus name. We declare it to be so!
O Lord of Heaven’s Armies. We rise up as the remnant. Little is much when you are in it. And you are right in the middle of this battle. You are lifting us up. You are empowering us with your strength. Endue us with your power from high. Fill us with your Spirit. We will fight and we will not faint. Make our feet like hinds feet to climb the highest mountain. Give us words to speak and pray. Give us insight and discernment.
You will rescue us from the east and from the west. Oh Lord. Plant the seeds of peace and prosperity once more. The earth will release it’s crops and the heavens will bring forth dew. Once more you will cause the remnant in Judah and Israel to inherit these blessings. We will not be afraid. We will be strong and we will fight to win this demonic onslaught against this Nation.
We declare! The battle is the Lord’s. We have shown up for the fight. Armored up. Prayed up. Standing strong and praising. Not bending, bowing or cowering. These battles? Ho! They are ours for the taking. We declare victory. We serve the God of the impossible. Oh! Yes we do.
In Jesus name. Amen.