O Lion of Judah!
We just have to start with a praise on our lips and shout with our voice! Thank you for thwarting the plans of the White House Siege. It just blew away like the wind with some feeble excuse. What an answer to our prayers!
Our God! He is the lion. The Lion of Judah. He roars with power. He fights our battles. He was the lamb that was slain from the foundations of the world. But then he arose as the Lion.
O Hallelujah! He is the mighty conqueror and our soon coming king. All will see and behold The King on that great day when he splits the Eastern sky! On that great day when every knee will bow before him. Oh yes! Every knee will bow.
We rise up as your mighty army. Though we may be few. Little is much when God is in it! O Lion of Judah. You have prevailed! Come and prevail over our enemies within the camp. We have been infiltrated by socialism, marxism and communism through our educational system, media, elites and politicians.
We repent! We repent for allowing this to happen for generations. Forgive us for our complacency and apathy. There are those within our camp that are in league with the enemy of our souls. They seek to destroy. They are filled with hate, rage and contempt for America and anything righteous, moral or biblical.
Bring the enemy to light! Expose the wicked! Expose their devious plans. Bring them to the forefront and pluck them out of the murky shadows of darkness. We cast down these rulers of darkness entrenched in society. In Jesus name! We cast down every satanic curse, ritual and incantation over the nations, America, President Trump and Vice President Pence and the church.
The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light. And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death. Upon them a light dawned. Oh yes! Let the light of truth dawn in hearts and minds. Shine! O great light of Jesus into the darkness that surrounds us. So be it!
Bring salvation, healing and deliverance to those bound up by the socialist and marxist teachings. Shine your light in the darkness of the satanic realm that rears its ugly dark head. Open their blinded eyes and let the light of truth shine down and overcome the darkness.
Bring integrity back to our government halls and courts of justice. Bring righteousness back to our colleges and universities. Bring patriotism back to our schools and sporting events. Bring the focus of our hearts and homes back to you. Return us to our first love.
You! O Lion of Judah. Roar out your goodness and mercy once again over America. Do not release your fierce anger to destroy us. But let the compassion of your heart overflow upon us. Let the pureness of your joy be our strength in these troubled times.
We tremble before you in your holy presence. We follow the roar of the lion!
In Jesus name. Amen.
