Your Word does not return void. It will accomplish it’s task. From the moment you spoke the world into existence up to this moment of time on the earth. Your Word remains! We stand on it. We believe in it. We decree this thing called VICTORY into existence.
Oh yes! We decree the Word of the Lord over America. We decree these foreign and domestic enemies must bow! These corrupt traitors to this sovereign nation must bow down. From the top to the bottom, we declare their evil works to be exposed and the truth revealed. We decree victory!
We confront these unpatriotic, criminal, corrupt politicians with treason as their middle names. We confront them like Shebna the Palace Administrator and give them this message!
“Who do you think you are, and what are you doing here, building a beautiful tomb for yourself - a monument high up in the rock?
“For the Lord is about to hurl you away, mighty man. He is going to grab you, crumple you into a ball, and toss you away into a distant, barren land. There you will die, and your glorious chariots will be broken and useless.
“You are a disgrace to your master! Yes, I will drive you out of office, says the Lord. I will pull you down from your high position.” Isaiah 22:16-19
Enemies of America! Consider yourselves PULLED DOWN from your high and lofty seats of power. Every last one of you. PULLED DOWN! Pulled down from your high and lofty opinions of yourselves. Pulled down and driven out from before our very eyes. And the Lord will turn it all around as he removes the keys of power from your corrupt hands. And on that great day! This is what the Lord says to you contentious, corrupt, controlling, power hungry moguls. The key you have stolen is being removed from your hand!
“I will give him the key to the house of David - the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.” Isaiah 22:22
We decree and declare over President Trump and the legal teams across America. Every door will be opened by the hand of the Lord. Give them divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Surround them with your Angel Armies and let not one hair of their heads be harmed. Protect their families, their homes and their livelihoods. Shield the witnesses and guard the evidence. This is all accomplished by the hand of the Lord and we give him ALL the glory, honor and praise!
O Lord! We remind ourselves that your timing is perfect. When man says it’s impossible, it just adds fuel to your fire. Because you are the God of the impossible! We stand strong and secure and we declare that the battle has already been won! Victory is surely ours as you come like a mighty rushing wind to bring a rebirth to our Nation, revival to our land and rout the enemy from before us.
“But the Lord of Heaven’s Armies also says: The time will come when I will pull out the nail that seemed so firm. It will come out and fall to the ground. Everything it supports will fall with it. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Isaiah 22:25
We declare to our enemies! You will come to nothing as the nails are pulled out from your plans and the rugs pulled out from under your feet. Your plans will fall apart and fail. They will crumble. You traitors of freedom. You traitors to your constituents. You traitors of truth and justice. You oath breakers. You fear mongers. You spew forth lies and deception and we’ve got your number.
We declare to our enemies! Be silent! Your threats are like dissonant, clanging cymbals. You better bow low. You will not escape the fury, wrath or vengeance of the Lord! You will reap what you have sown. You will receive your just reward when the Lord Most High comes to disarm you and drag you away in disgrace!
In Jesus Name. So be it!