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Writer's pictureCheryl

Six Things.


This about sums it up in America.

“There are six evils God truly hates and a seventh that is an abomination to him:

“Putting others down while considering yourself superior”

O Father in Heaven. The arrogance of our political leaders and elitists is startling and mind bending. Come and put them in their place and remind them that they are servants of the PEOPLE. You alone created the heavens and the earth. They do not control the times, the seasons or the climate. They will bow their knee to Jesus.

“spreading lies and rumors”

O God of All Truth. Come and dispense your truth over the false prophets of Baal. Silence their demonic chatter. Silence their deception. Silence their lies. Pull the plug on their channels. Plummet their ratings. Cause their lips to stammer and stutter. We declare the Voice of Truth over and above their chattering voices of deception and lies. Be silenced your fear mongering naysayers. Be silenced! In Jesus name.

“spilling the blood of the innocent”

Abortion is the scourge of the earth. Forgive us for this sin in America. Forgive our wicked ways. Heal the hearts of those who have had abortions and now regret it. You cast our sins as far as the East is from the West. Your forgiveness is healing oil upon our hearts and minds and knows no end. Forgive us of this National sin and heal our hearts and our land.

“plotting evil in your heart toward another”

O Righteous Judge of the earth. These evil doers plot and plot and plot. They never stop with their plots and plans to censor our communications. Stop these freedom stealers in their tracks. Pull the rug out from under them. They censure the freedom lovers, the Conservatives and the Christians. Bind their hands from doing evil against you and your righteous ways.

“gloating over doing what’s plainly wrong”

Jehovah Nissi! Come and spread your banner of VICTORY over America. We call forth righteousness in our land. We rebuke the wrongs! Silence these voices raised up against us. Silence their arrogant mouths and cause them to be dumb founded and confused. Send them into disarray. Send confusion into the camp and turn their gloating efforts into chaos.

“spouting lies in false testimony”

O Righteous Judge. We appeal to the courts of heaven that you would RULE in our favor. Shine the light on this election fraud. Shine the light NOW. We cannot kick this can down the road. We stand in agreement and declare this fraud will be EXPOSED and corrective action taken. You are the God of miracles and we look to you and you alone to dispel this wrong and make it right!

“and stirring up strife between friends.”

Troublemakers. Rabble rousers. Decepticons. Liars and deceivers. We are surrounded by those seeking to divide and conquer. We will not be divided! We will not be conquered! We stand united! We do not fall prey to divisive words. We link our hearts and minds and arms and declare that we are the United States of America.

We will not be torn apart. We will not be transformed into something else. We declare that the LORD is the one true GOD over America. We stand in the gap and declare the GLORY of the LORD to fall upon America. We will stand and see the salvation of the LORD in the land of the free and the home of the brave!

So be it! In Jesus name.




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