🇺🇸 Whispers and ROARS 🇺🇸
We rebuke this post election coup attempt being planned over President Trump and Washington DC. We ROAR out the battle cry. We boot up and strap up and stand up with our marching orders. We push back this scheduled Nov. 3 resistance and push it back to the darkness.
We declare this weapon of destruction will not succeed. This coup over DC will fall limp and lifeless to the ground! Just like the last one! The Lion of Judah will ROAR again from the heavens. Enough! Enough! The Lion of Judah will prevail!
We ROAR out over this post election coup. We declare theIr weapons will backfire and their shoes will not be boots of revolt but will turn to peace. We declare funding and resources to dry I p. Busses and are to break down. Airplane flights to be delayed and tickets cancelled. Hotels will shut and lock their doors.
We will stomp on the heads of our enemies and declare victory. In the mighty name of Jesus! We will do a victory dance and shout the praise of our Most High God in the face of these demons from hell. We have the high praise of God in our mouths and his sword in our hands. We will not be defeated!
We declare the Ancient of Days will arise over America and come to her aid! We declare the Prince of Peace shall prevail! We declare the Rock of Ages will not be moved! Arise Yeshua over the land!
So be it!
So be it!