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Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

We declare the Word of the Lord over the enemies of America and President Trump. We declare the Word of the Lord over the enemies of freedom and the Nations of the earth! Woe to you!

“For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has a day of reckoning. He will punish the proud and mighty and bring down EVERYTHING that is exalted.”

We declare! The Commander of the Lord’s Army will bring his punishing sickle and THRASH out the wicked from among us. He alone will bring down these self exalted ones. Those who sit in their ivory halls and pass judgement upon the people. Woe to you! The LORD HIMSELF will bring you down to the dust. Shake the ground! Shake the ground! Shake the ground! Shake LOOSE their hold over America!

“He will cut DOWN the tall cedars of Lebanon and all the mighty oaks of Bashan. He will level all the high mountains and all the lofty hills. He will break down every high tower and every fortified wall.”

We declare! The LORD mighty in battle will obliterate these high towers setup over America. He will level the arrogant, proud and haughty spirits setup over the Valley of Sili.cone and its self exalted ones. They will be but a memory when the LORD pulls the plug on their evil designs and SHUTS UP their mouths and takes away THEIR freedom.

“He will destroy all the great trading ships and every magnificent vessel. Human pride will be humbled, and human arrogance will be brought down. Only the Lord will be exalted on that day of judgment.”

We declare! The LORD sits on the throne! These puppet kings and queens of the devil are nothing! They will lose and have ALREADY lost. They have overplayed their hand. These enemies of President Trump, America, Freedom and the Church will become his footstool. They WILL NOT wipe America. They CANNOT wipe out the church. The sleeping giant is AWAKE! We are not woke. We. Are. Awake.

“Idols will completely disappear. When the Lord rises to SHAKE the earth, his enemies will CRAWL INTO HOLES in the ground. They will hide in caves in the rocks from the terror of the Lord and the glory of his majesty.

“On that day of judgment they will abandon the gold and silver idols they made for themselves to worship. They will leave their gods to the rodents and bats, while THEY CRAWL away into caverns and hide among the jagged rocks in the cliffs. They will TRY to escape the terror of the Lord and the glory of his majesty as he rises to SHAKE THE EARTH”. Isaiah‬ ‭2

We declare! Our trust, our hope and our faith is in the Lord! We wait with great anticipation for the day when the LORD shows up on the scene. Even now HE is among us. Can we not feel him? Can we not sense him? Can we not see the handwriting on the wall? The enemy is defeated. The enemy is defeated. The enemy is defeated.

We declare to the enemies of freedom! We declare to the House and Senate that have GONE ROGUE. You petulant children throwing your temper tantrums. You power hungry mongrels ready to eat the people. Woe to you! The LORD will come with vengeance. The LORD will come with fury and wrath. He will wipe your arrogant and haughty faces from before us. The LORD will come to set your ridiculous antics straight and reveal your true colors to the people. The LORD will not be mocked.

We declare! We will not bend to this anarchy. We will not bow to the LIES of the enemy. Devil you’re a liar! We smash your lies. We smash your deception. We smash this delusional paranoia taken over the church.

In the name of Jesus who has ALREADY defeated the devil. In the name of Jesus who is the CHAMPION of death, hell and the grave. In the name of Jesus who has given us exactly what we need! Abundant life. Hope that never fails. New mercies every day. Saving grace. Faith to move mountains. The Armor of God that REPELS the attacks of the enemy.

We STAND STRONG in this battle. We STAND UNITED in spirit and in truth. We STAND as the mighty army of the living God and declare the GLORY of the LORD over America and the Nations of the earth! Send us your glory LORD. Send us your glory!

In Jesus name. So be it!


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Jan 13, 2021

O yes and AMEN and AMEN and AMEN and it's in the MOST MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST we pray....


Jan 13, 2021

Amazing Grace we await thy return to this land of our fathers; come Mighty King and lead us to triumph through the Cross of Jesus Christ so that we may return to being "one nation, undivided under the Cross and the Army of God!"

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