O Merciful Father.
They spread scandalous reports. Oh yes! Scandalous reports about America. Scandalous reports about President Trump. Scandalous reports about Christians and anyone with even just a shred of a moral standard. We are excoriated as racists, homophobes and deplorables when nothing is further from the truth!
In a day when good has become evil and evil has become good. Scandal is literally everywhere. The scandalous reports surround us at every turn. But we choose to believe the report of the Lord! We look at it all through eyes of faith.
These scandalous reporters they are but grasshoppers. We are the giants in the land! They report the scandal of fear, weakness and defeat. We report the joy of the Lord is our strength! We report when we are weak he is strong! We report we have been given the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks be to God on High!
They scream out death to America and death to freedom. We decree and declare abundant life in Jesus Christ. We declare! He that the Son sets free is free indeed. We declare that their weapons of doom and gloom will not prosper. Every coup will fall flat. Every feeble attempt to destroy this great land will fall flat.
We declare! Every demonic stronghold will fall flat and be torn down by the glorious right arm of the Lord. His hand is not shortened that it cannot help us. He will not leave us or forsake us. He is the keeper of the night and the keeper of the day. He keeps everything that we have committed unto him. We give it all to him!
Some water. Some plant. But the Lord gives the increase. The Lord gives the victory. We stand up. We armor up. We wait, expect and anticipate that the glory of the Lord will be revealed.
Ho! The Lord will not be mocked. He will not be pushed around by these demonic hordes. He is not intimidated by these ruthless, godless, greedy, power hungry politicians or their loudmouth, elitist supporters and backers. He is not moved by their threats, chatter or their exalted opinions of themselves.
But thanks be to God who daily loads us with benefits. He may not be moved by our enemies. But He is moved by our faith. We stand up and grab hold of the mighty shield of faith that stops the fiery darts of the enemy. The just shall live by faith!
Be pleased with us O Lord. Move us ahead of our enemies. Lead us and guide us into a better day and the land of flowing milk and honey.
In Jesus name. Amen.
