O Mighty One.
You are still enthroned in the heavens. Still seated on the throne with the Son at your right hand. With the angels and the elders crying holy holy holy. Day and night. Surrounded by thunders and lightnings in the heavens. You live in the storm. You are the storm!
We humble ourselves in your glorious presence and repent of our iniquities and affirm our allegiance to you. We bow before your majesty and declare the glory of your name to the heavens for your faithfulness and loving kindness. We humbly ask for your grace and mercy upon our Nation and for your good pleasure to rest upon us.
Oh, that You would rend the heavens! That You would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence. As fire burns brushwood. As fire causes water to boil. To make Your name known to Your adversaries. That the nations may tremble at Your presence. That the dark kingdoms of the earth. That the strongholds set up over the earth. That the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness. That they would ALL tremble in fear and crumble like stones at your glorious presence.
We declare! These wicked adversaries will fall down! They will bow down! They will pay for their unrighteous and wicked intent! For He put on righteousness as a breastplate and a helmet of salvation on His head. He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing. And was clad with zeal as a cloak. According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay.
We declare your fury to your adversaries. We declare recompense to your enemies. So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy comes in like a flood. The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
We call forth the zeal of the Lord against election fraud. We call forth the standard of God and the courts of heaven to rule and reign on the final outcome. We declare any and all lawsuits filed against this election will be handled and dealt with by the justice of God and his heavenly courts.
We call heaven down to earth! We call forth the glory of the Lord to rise up and shine tonight over election results. Let your glory and the presence of your ministering and guardian angels cause the enemies of darkness to flee in terror.
We bind the lying mouths of the false prophets of media. We bind deception and devious plots and plans against the outcome of the election. We declare the red tsunami to be so massive that it swallows up and engulfs any and all attempted thievery of President Donald Trump’s victory and any other righteous victories across America. And yes! We declare victory in the camp!
O Lord! Rend the heavens and send down the Hosts of Heaven to subdue the evil doers and cause righteous votes to be cast at the polling stations. Rend the heavens and force any coup, siege or shutdown to be torn apart at the seams. Rend them speechless. Rend them powerless. Rend them useless. And may the glory of the Lord rise up over the White House and send the enemy to flight! Oh yes! Send them to flight.
We stand united in hearts and spirits. We stand as the elect of the Most High God. Chosen for such a time as this. We rise to the occasion and declare the goodness of our God and the glory of the Lord to rise among us all across America, Israel and the Nations of the earth.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem. So the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. For the scepter of wickedness shall NOT rest on the land allotted to the righteous lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.
Do good, O LORD, to those who are good. And to those who are upright in their hearts. As for such as turn aside to their crooked ways, The LORD shall lead them away with the workers of iniquity.
We declare these words over America and the election. Do good in every swing state. Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida and the rest. We declare the scepter of wickedness will not reign! We declare that righteousness will reign over these swing battleground states. Even in California and New York. Ho! Nothing is too hard for the Lord!
We declare this epic battle is the Lord’s and he will be victorious. He will receive the glory, the honor and the praise when the victory is won! We stand up straight and tall and declare the bold promises of God! He is truth and his will and his ways are perfect. We stand united and victorious through Jesus Christ!
So be it!