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Pray for the Apostate Church!

Writer: CherylCheryl

Jesus said it would happen. It has and is happening.

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. I Timothy 4:1-3

Andy Stanley (pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta) is hosting a conference to support LBGTQ parents and ministry leaders in the "quiet middle space".

This conference appears to be more affirming and celebrating. Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) chronicles this in an article in Harbinger's Daily.

You can click the link to the conference events page within the article for more info about the conference. Do your own research and you will see what a sad state of affairs this truly is.

Click here to read Ken Ham's article.

Let's pray ...

O Father. You said in your word that perilous times would come. That men would be lovers of self more than lovers of God. That people would look for those to tickle their ears.

We live in the days when men seek their own truth ignoring the truth of your word. There is no right and wrong. Lines are being blurred and what is good is called evil.

So protect us from these doctrines of demons! Do not let us fall prey to the lies swirling around us.

Help us to discern the truth and to not shy away from it. Help those who are lost in this web of deception. We pray for those who are walking in this deception, twisting the truth and leading others astray.

Speak to the hearts of the wounded and confused, O Holy Spirit! Speak and dispel the darkness. Shine your light of truth! Save those lost in this world of sexual deviancy and gender confusion.

Protect our children! Raise a standard around them and send your holy angels to guard and surround them.

Minister to pastors and counselors and make their hearts open to see the truth of your word.

Continue to open the eyes of your Church as we maneuver through these perilous times. Give us hearts like yours. Help us to see the needs around us and reach out to this lost and dying world.

In Jesus name, we pray.


Signs of the Times

Pastor Mark is on vacation so this week's podcast is Ezekiel 38 and 39.

Part 1 here

Part 2 here





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Oct 05, 2023

Praying that we will be found faithful and pointing people back to God’s WORD for wisdom and instruction, the TRUTH, in Jesus Name, Amen 🙏✨‼️


Danny Haggerty Sr
Danny Haggerty Sr
Oct 03, 2023


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