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Our Warrior LORD!

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

We exalt You O God for your glorious works. You work wonders among the people of the earth! You have triumphed with GLORY while hurling your enemies into the sea. We will sing a song to the LORD who is the triumphant King of the whole earth.

“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.”

“This is my God, and I will praise him - my father’s God, and I will exalt him!”

“The LORD is a warrior. YAHWEH is his name!”

O Hallelujah! The LORD fights for Israel. The LORD fights for America and the Nations. The LORD fights for his children.

“Your right hand, O LORD, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O LORD, smashes the enemy.”

“In the greatness of your majesty, you overthrow those who rise against you. You unleash your blazing fury; it consumes them like straw.”

O Hallelujah! He is the glorious, triumphant King of the Ages. YAHWEH has no limits and no boundaries. He does not answer to the false gods of the earth. He does not bow to beck and call and YAHWEH scoffs at their foolish whims. He strikes in fury and wrath at these demonic strongholds and looses the Hosts of Heaven to battle their evil works of the enemy.

And when the enemy boasts …

And O how he boasts and boasts and boasts.

And O how he deceives with a smile on his face and knife to the back.

And O how he lies and twists the words to push his immoral deeds.

And O how he deceives the innocent and the lost; the compromising and the complacent.

“The enemy boasted, ‘I will chase them and catch up with them. I will plunder them and consume them. I will flash my sword; my powerful hand will destroy them.’

“But you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters. “Who is like you among the gods, O LORD - glorious in holiness, awesome in splendor, performing great wonders?”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭15

O Hallelujah! There is no one like the LORD. You lead us with your unfailing love. You guide us with your wisdom, might and power. You will lead us to the mountain of the LORD - to the New Jerusalem. Where the lion will lay down by the lamb. Where there will be no more tears and no more sorrow. Where there will be peace and joy beyond measure.

Therefore! We hold tightly to your nail scarred hands as we navigate through the seas of enemy encampments setup in our fair and beautiful land. We hold onto the hope that you are working all things out for the good. We hold onto your purposes under heaven and declare they will manifest upon the earth.

Jehovah Nissi! Wave your banner of love and victory over America. We march ahead in battle as the Children of the Most High God knowing that the victory that has already been won!

The Everlasting Father is on the throne with the Wonderful Son by his side and the Comforter dwells among us. The angels cry holy holy holy while standing at attention for YAHWEH to sound the battle alarm. And then ALL of heaven fights for us! O Yes! They fight for us and nothing can stand against!

You! O LORD! You will lead us to your Sanctuary that your hands have established. You will take your rightful place as the King of the Ages and we will dwell in the House of the LORD forever and ever.

In Jesus name. Amen and amen.




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