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Our Praise Is A Weapon!

Almighty Father.

You are the reason for our praise.Our praise is a weapon. Oh Lord! Weaponize our prayers. Make them laser sharp. Straight to the point. We shout our praise from the rooftops! The Lord God Almighty reigns! It is he alone that will give vengeance. Our warring weapons of praise will bring the vengeance of the Most High God against our enemies. They will not succeed. They. Will. Not. Vengeance is mine says the Lord!

Most Holy God. Righteous King. Righteous Judge. We sit before your right hand. Until you humble our enemies and make them a footstool under our feet! Then! We will stomp down the footstool. Oh yes! Put them under our feet. Under our feet. Under our feet. In the mighty name of Jesus. We declare it to be so!

Make the enemies against America our footstool. Make the enemies of President Trump our footstool. Make the enemies against truth and justice our footstool. You are the righteous judge. You sit on the throne of justice. You sit on the throne of judgement. You sit on the throne of equality. You sit on the throne of righteousness. Preside over the courtroom and proclaim your righteous, holy judgements.

We declare the Word of the Lord over this coup! We declare resurrection power over this insurrection! We declare the righteous will not be forsaken! We declare you will make our enemies our bread!

We bring our warring weapons of praise against every opposing force. We bind every resistant power. We bind every seducing spirit. We bind every principality and power setup over this nation pushing her to her knees. We. Push. Back. These demonic powers will not prevail over America!

We hold her up! Rise America in the power and might of the Lord. Rise up! We lift her up with our prayers. We hold her up! We prop her up. We pray pray pray her up to rise again. We hold up our weapon of praise. We hold up our two edged sword which is the Word of God. In the mighty name of Jesus. We bind the demonic kings with chains. We bind the satanic spiritual rulers with iron shackles. And we throw away the key!

We are the praise filled warriors of the Lord of the Angel Armies. We will stand up and stand out. We will enforce the judgement doom declared over our enemies. We will sing a new song. We will see the goodness of the Lord in America. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the church.

We will shout. We will dance. We will praise. We will sing of the glory of our God. We open our mouths. Our praise is a weapon!

In Jesus mighty name. Amen.


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