When we think about your goodness.
When we think about your faithfulness.
When we think about your love.
When we see the earth shaking.
When we see all hell breaking loose.
When we feel the winds of change.
We can’t help but praise your name!
It’s the name above all other names!
Praise the Name of the LORD who is worthy of our praise! He has shaped the mountains and formed the bowls of the sea. He has spread the clouds from horizon to horizon. He has shared his beauty and creativity throughout the earth. What a mighty God we serve!
We declare! These demonic kingdoms trying to usurp his authority over HIS earth are drops of water in a bucket to his eyes. These evil doers are grasshoppers in your eyes and in ours. You are the God of great power and your incomparable strength cannot be matched! Nothing can stand in your way as you shake the very foundations of the earth. The earth is the LORD’S!
You are shaking and breaking up these mountains of power in the earth - politics, education, sports, Hollywood, corporations and the rest. They are being shaken to the core. In Jesus name. We declare! Every vile, corrupt and evil participant of the darkness will be removed from the darkness and their true colors revealed.
You, O Righteous and Holy One! You have spread your TENT OF JUSTICE over the earth and no one can escape the coming judgement. Their roots of corruption are being plucked from the earth. Their idolatrous and satanic ways are being loosed from the neck of America and the Nations of the earth.
We RISE UP AND PUSH BACK the darkness! You have NO HOLD on us. You have NO HOLD over the children. You have NO HOLD over the people of the earth. We bind your evil claws. We sever the ties that bind! With the authority of the LORD, we break up the camps of this worldwide human trafficking ring and pluck up their satanic roots. We cast down their incantations, rituals and curses.
O LORD of justice and truth, send your Host of Heaven to obliterate this demonic stronghold from the face of the earth. Cleanse the earth of this scourge. Cover the earth with your GLORY! Come and do what only you can do by your mighty Spirit!
We declare with GREAT jubilation! The LORD has seen our plight. The LORD has heard our cries. The LORD is rising over the earth. He is rising in GLORY and POWER and there is nothing and no one who can stop the mighty hand of YAHWEH! He is the everlasting God and the creator of the earth. He does not grow weak or weary and he will strengthen his people!
“But those who TRUST in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
O Hallelujah! We trust you! We trust you! We trust you! The God of incomparable strength and might! Our spirits soar when we think of your goodness and your great power! What a mighty God we serve!
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1
