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Laughing all the way!

Writer's picture: CherylCheryl

El Roi!

You are the God who sees. You see it all. You see the evil done to those who are good. You see evil rising in the earth and grasping to destroy everything good. Your response is - Who are you? Who do you think you are? Have you not known? Have you not heard?

“You call yourself a mighty man, a big shot? Why do you boast in the evil you have done? Yet God’s loyal love will protect me and carry the day!

“Listen, O deceiver, trickster of others: Your words are wicked, harming and hurting all who hear them. You love evil and hate what is good and right. You would rather lie than tell the truth.

“You love to distort, devour, and deceive, using your sly tongue to spin the truth. But the Almighty will strike you down forever! He will pull you up by your roots and drag you away to the darkness of death.

“The godly will see all this and will be awestruck. Then they will laugh at the wicked, saying, “See what happens to those great in their own eyes who don’t trust in the Most High to save them! Look how they trusted only in their wealth and made their living from wickedness.”

“But I am like a flourishing olive tree, anointed in the house of God. I trust in the unending love of God; his passion toward me is forever and ever.

“Because it is finished, I will praise you forever and give you thanks. Before all your godly lovers I will proclaim your beautiful name!” Psalms‬ ‭52:1-9‬ ‭TPT‬

O LORD! We just love your Word. It speaks to every situation. You laugh at the wicked and so do we. They have no hold on us.

In fact, we are doing the holding. We are standing firm and we will HOLD THE LINE!

In fact, we are standing ramrod straight in the face of the enemy. We declare! We will not bend. We will not bow.

In fact, we have no fear of their deceitful words and their never ending lies. We know the truth and the truth will set us free!

In fact, we resist the devil and he MUST flee. We shun the very appearance of darkness and we will walk in the Light of the LORD.

We rebuke the enemy and his attempts to silence us. We rebuke his deception and his devious ways. We are the city on the hill whose light cannot be turned off. America will stand. The church will stand. The Nations will stand. We will stand with the authority of the LORD and we will see the salvation of the LORD in the land of the living.

We will flourish in the House of the LORD! We declare these audits will flourish. We declare truth will flourish and lies will die on the vine. Every wrong will be righted. Every injustice will be turned around. Freedom will be restored. The devil has no hold on America and he is a defeated foe!

In Jesus name. So be it!




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