O Lord of the heavens. O Lord of the earth. O Lord of all creation! O what a WONDER you are! We worship you! Oh! How we worship you! We come with thankful hearts for the gift that just keeps on giving. The gift of you Son. The gift of Jesus. Our Emmanuel. Our Prince of Peace. You have given us peace. You have given us strength. You have given us courage. You have given us this great land of America. Imperfect? Yes. But better than most and built on the precepts of freedom, liberty and justice for all.
O Righteous One. Come and cleanse our great land of this evil. We have repented this past year for our wrongs. For our sins. For our complacency turned to apathy. For losing our first love. For giving in and for looking the other way. Our silence as the church has been deafening and some still remain silent. But we have no fear! The latter day REMNANT is awake! We have been revived and taken an about face. We are rising from the ashes and the ruins of 2020. We shake the dust off our feet, grab our sword and engage in the battle.
We are in the battlefield with our Lord. You have told us not to lose heart. You have told us to have hope. You have told us of your great faithfulness. You have told us that your mercies are new every morning. Have mercy on America! Have mercy today, tomorrow and the next! GREAT is your faithfulness. Even in our unfaithfulness., YOU have been faithful. You are faithful to us. You are faithful to America. You are faithful to President Trump. Thank you Yahweh! Thank you for your faithfulness to us.
Here we are on the brink of a new year. Here we are at the brink of January 6th. Here we are at the brink of perilous times. Here we are wondering what in the world is going on in America. Our government and corporations are tainted and in bed with the enemy. For the most part, they have been bought off. They are filthy and vile. There is no good in most of them. They are power hungry jackals feeding off the blind sheep. O Great Shepherd of Israel. Come and rescue the sheep that have followed the wrong voice and wandered into a den of wolves.
Even though It seems we are surrounded on all sides. GREATER is he that is within us than he that is in the world. We do NOT lose heart! Oh no! We hear the sound of the rustling in the myrtle trees and it is the Captain of the Lord’s Host and his Angel Armies. We are NEVER alone! The Lord has not left us defenseless. We put on the armor of God and stand like the Children of Israel at this Red Sea moment. We choose to STAND with the Lord. He is on OUR side.
We have not and will not see the righteous forsaken. The LORD mighty in battle. He will not forsake America. He will not forsake President Trump. The LORD mighty in battle will PURGE this land! Purge America. Purge our hearts. Restore us. Renew us.
“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean. Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me hear joy and gladness, That the bones You have broken may rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.
“Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.” Psalms 51:7-12
UPHOLD us with your righteous right hand. Uphold the President and Vice President. Uphold Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis and General Flynn in the coming days. Uphold the witnesses and whistle blowers. Uphold every shred of evidence including the dominion machines. UPHOLD the hearts of Americans and give us courage and peace.
We REBUKE every effort to destroy the truth. We rebuke every evil, harmful scheme to scare and threaten people and destroy property. We rebuke every bomb being planned in secret places. No more bombs! We rebuke every plan of attack. No more attacks! We rebuke very threat that has been made! No more threats!
We declare a hedge of protection around power grids and hubs. We declare a hedge of protection around America from attacks from within and without. O Spirit of the Living God. Flood out this vicious enemy and their demonic plans. Wash them away like the Red Sea and consume them with the floodwaters of your righteous Spirit. Surround, protect and hide the innocent safely in the ark of your covenant
We call forth the righteous within the House and Senate to STAND UP and take a stand for what is right! We call forth SCOTUS to STAND UP and take a stand for what is right! Let courage consume them. Let truth consume them. Wake them with dreams and visions and cause them to stand on the side of goodness. Expose every wicked politician and judge in our land. Expose them and bring them to swift justice!
Let not our hearts fail within us! Give us the courage of Joshua. Give us the tenacity of Joshua. Give us the boldness of Joshua to stand up in the face of the enemy and declare the Word of the Lord! We The People! We will not bend. We will not bow. We stand up in the face of the enemy fully clothed with the Armor of God and a two edged sword in our hand!
We declare! Enemy! You cannot have this land. You cannot have our children. You cannot have our freedom and you cannot have the Church. The Lord will prevail. We declare victory over America! In the name of Jesus! We TAKE America back!
So be it!
