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How Dare They

Writer: CherylCheryl

Almighty God.

You are the Lord Of Heaven’s Armies. You are the conqueror of the ages. You are the creator of the universe. You are the restorer of the breach. You are the redeemer of mankind. You reign supreme! You are our exceeding great reward. Hallelujah!

How can we not trust you? How can we fear? You will cast down our enemies from before us. Yes! You will cast them down to the pit. How dare they raise their hands against You! You are the Lord!

We declare over the enemies of Jehovah!

How dare they raise their hands against this President appointed and anointed for such a time as this. How dare they! YOU are the Lord!

How dare they raise their hands against America. A nation founded on God and chosen to be a beacon of light, hope and freedom to the Nations. How dare they! YOU are the Lord!

How dare they raise their hands against your Church! We are the called. We are the chosen people of God. We are citizens of the Kingdom is God. The gates of hell will not, shall not and cannot prevail. How dare they! YOU are the Lord!

We call down the wrath of the Lord against Satan who is seeking to destroy and devour us! We declare! Get thee behind us Satan! The Lord will consume you! He is the one who puts kings in palaces. He is the one who protects his own. He is the one who controls the times and seasons of the earth. He is the Lord!

This is what the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, said to me: Confront Shebna, the palace administrator, and give him this message: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, and what are you doing here, building a beautiful tomb for yourself - a monument high up in the rock?

For the Lord is about to hurl you away, mighty man. He is going to grab you, crumple you into a ball, and toss you away into a distant, barren land. There you will die, and your glorious chariots will be broken and useless. You are a disgrace to your master!

Hurl them away! Hurl them away! Hurl them away!

And then I will call my servant Eliakim son of Hilkiah to replace you. I will dress him in your royal robes and will give him your title and your authority. And he will be a father to the people of Jerusalem and Judah.

I will give him the KEY to the house of David - the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.

We declare! Woe to you proud, arrogant, impudent, controlling, fear mongering faces! Who do you think you are! You will be removed and replaced. You will go out with shame for your complete disregard of life and freedom. You will be shamed for your malice to the American people. Shame be upon you!

So be it unto you! Like it was unto Shebna, the place administrator. You think you are so high and mighty? Who do you think you are! You will be tossed away like a crumpled ball and cast away in disgrace.

We have the keys to open the arsenal of our warrior weapons. Our weapons are not carnal. And in Jesus name! We come in hot pursuit of the enemy with the Lion of the Tribe of Judah leading the charge. We let out a roar of praise. We let out a roar of victory. We will NOT be silenced, muzzled or held captive by the evil spirits of this earthly kingdom. We. Will. Not.

We cast down every argument. Every lie. Every deception. We cast down everything and everyone that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Most High God. Against His kingdom and His people. Against freedom in America and the Nations of the earth.

We declare that every high minded, evil and diabolical thought will be brought into captivity. We lock the door and leave with the key! You evil ones in government, in public office, in the limelight and in the dark demonic halls of evil! Your time is short and your leash is getting shorter.

Hear this! Oh you evil ones! We know who you are! We know what you will do. You must and you will fall on your knees in obedience to the Christ! That’s what the Lord says!

So be it!


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Oct 09, 2020

Anen! I agree! It shall be so in Jesus mighty name!


Unknown member
Oct 09, 2020


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