Holy and Righteous Father.
We lift up a mighty song of praise today! We declare over the REMNANT! HOLD YOUR GROUND! A mighty FORTRESS is our God and we won’t let the enemy have an inch! We won’t budge an inch. We stand in faith. We stand firm. We stand secure. We kick fear to the rear! O Hallelujah!
This is what the Lord says! It’s NOT by anyone else’s might. It’s NOT by anyone else’s power. But it is by MY SPIRIT! Behold I make all things new. It is NOT by the hands of illegitimate, fallen and corrupt men. America and the Nations will be made new by the hand of a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD. The winds of repentance and revival fire will sweep through the earth! My Spirit will shift the atmosphere! My spirit will shift the course of Nations! My Spirit will send revival fires to the land!
This mighty mountain in your way will fall flat. It will become a dust ridden plain. We do not stand in fear of this mighty mountain that will fall. We stand in FAITH! We stand in faith in the name of JESUS! He is truth and in Him there is no lie. There is no shadow. We rebuke the cursed lies of the accuser, Satan. His cursed accusations and atrocious plans over America are lies! They are all lies!
We counter these lies with the Word of Truth! We declare TRUTH to rise up in America and drown out the lies of the enemy and silence his lying lips. Touch not MY Nation of America. Touch not the anointed of the LORD. Touch not the little children. Touch not my chosen in the Nations of the earth. God is NOT a man that he should lie. Only truth proceeds from his mouth and his spirit. He will redeem the lies. He will redeem what was stolen. He will redeem it all!
You blessed, anointed, called and chosen of the LORD! Put on your battle armor. Stand strong. Stand firm. Do NOT FAINT in the day of adversity! Do not faint! Do not faint! Wait on the LORD. He will send strength. He is our strength. Strengthen us O LORD so we do not faint in the battle. Strengthen us O LORD so we are not found wanting.
The LORD says! “If you are slack (careless) in the day of distress, Your strength is limited.”
Proverbs 24:10
We will not be slack. We will not be careless and wishy washy. We will not teeter on the brink of falling off a cliff of doom and gloom. We will rejoice in the Lord! We will sing praises to his holy and righteousness name. He’s got this! He’s got this! He’s got this! We will stand strong in faith and be EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit of our Most High God.
We will not bend. We will not bow. We stand victorious. We stand triumphant. The battle is the LORD’s! Yes yes yes! We will HOLD OUR GROUND!
In Jesus name. Amen and amen.
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: https://t.me/CherylBothe1
