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He Will.

Writer: CherylCheryl

O LORD Most High!

We declare Psalms 91 over America AND President Trump AND Gov. Ron DeSantis AND Ted Cruz AND Marjorie Taylor Green AND every other righteous leader in the land. Set your love and protection upon them. Set your love and protection upon America, Israel and the Nations.

We do not declare this out of rote, vain words or repetition. We declare it because Your Word is TRUTH. We declare it because Your Word is NEW AND FRESH every morning and every evening. We declare Your Word because it revives and refreshes.

We declare America and her people will dwell in Your Presence. YOU are our refuge. YOU are our safety. You will protect and rescue. You are a cover from enemy arrows and a shelter from the storm. Your FAITHFUL PROMISES are our protection.

O LORD Most High! Send the Host of Heaven down to the earth and protect us from the arrow by day and terrors by night. Stop these paid off, riotous infiltrators. Stop these paid off politicians, corporate elites, sports figures and hollywood types. Knock them to their knees. Knock out their communications. Dry up their resources. Send confusion to their camps and send them scurrying away in fear.

Send the breath of your presence and shred any remainder of covid from the earth. Open the eyes of your blinded creation and protect the people from themselves. We stand in the gap and cry out for mercy for those who have been DUPED and DECEIVED into believing lie after lie surrounding covid and “the shot”.

Send your FEROCIOUS MERCY to rescue and deliver the Nations from this demonic attack. Send the BLINDING LIGHT of your GLORY and open the eyes of your people. Chase us down with your goodness and separate us from those seeking to do us harm. Stand in harms way and protect those who call upon your name.

We shoot the arrows of truth into the camps of the wicked. In Jesus name! We knock down every FALSE ARGUMENT against TRUTH. We knock down ELEC/TION FRA/UD in every city and state. We knock down every LIE spewed forth against anyone and anything that is decent and moral. We knock down and TRAMPLE every vicious lie and slithering deception under our feet!





“Because he has SET HIS LOVE upon Me, therefore I WILL deliver him. I WILL set him on high, because he has KNOWN MY NAME. He shall call upon Me, and I WILL answer him; I WILL be with him in trouble; I WILL deliver him and honor him. With long life I WILL satisfy him, And show him My salvation.” Psalms‬ ‭91:14-16‬

O Yes Yes Yes! We say Yes! He WILL accomplish every good work in us. He WILL accomplish every task he has set his mighty hand to perform. He CAN and He WILL! We have set our love upon him. We have decided to follow Jesus and trust in his holy and righteous name. And He WILL lift us up!

In Jesus name. Amen and amen.



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May 21, 2021

Thank you for ammunition against those who would come against us! We as a family are going through similar situations concerning family issues with my husbands family. They are fueling this with lies, I have been praying that all lies would be exposed, we went to court yesterday and in the natural it doesn’t look good! I am broken-hearted about it, God knows, but I have no other choice but to trust in my Heavenly Father in Jesus name! I appreciate any prayers on our behalf! Thank You for speaking and guiding me by your prayers for my prayer time. Amen!


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