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Writer's pictureCheryl

Drench My Soul

Oh Glorious One.

To you who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb. Be all glory and honor and praise. For all you have done in times past. For all you are doing in the present. For all you will do in the future. We give you praise!

We praise you for your wisdom. It gives understanding, courage and strength. It imparts greater worth than gold and treasure. Oh! How we need wisdom to come running through the cities of our nation. We need it to come barreling down the streets. We need wisdom to overtake our government and schools and corporations. Godly wisdom! Come forth! Divine wisdom come forth over our President and Vice President. Divine wisdom come forth over leaders and teachers and parents. Over the young and the old. Not wisdom found of man. But holy godly righteous wisdom!

Give us revelation about the meaning of your ways so we can enjoy the reward of following them fully. Reveal yourself to us! Give us understanding hearts so that we can passionately know and obey your truth. Guide us into the paths that please you. We take delight in all that you say. Cause our hearts to bow before your words of wisdom and not to the words of this world.

We humble ourselves before you in the beauty of your holiness. While the earth all around shakes and groans under the pressure of the evil one. We stand sure footed before your throne. In these moments of time beset with terror, plagues and uncertainty. We turn to what is certain. We turn to You and we worship You in the beauty of holiness. We stand in awe of your faithfulness to us when we have been so unfaithful. Oh Lord! How precious are your thoughts toward us. The sum is too great to imagine!

Help us turn our eyes away from illusions so that we pursue only that which is true. Oh Lord! We are surrounded by illusions and distractions and falsehoods. We need The Word. We need the truth found in The Word. We cannot sink our teeth into the world and expect to find the answers. But we can sink our teeth into the Word and receive every single answer that we need. Everything everything everything that we need is found in you alone. Not the news. Not social media. Not the world. Not the culture. What we need is found in You!

Drench our souls with life as we walk in your paths. We follow after your wisdom. Looking to you for truth.

In Jesus name. Amen.


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