We hear the sounds of your coming and we get ready! We do not stand idly by and watch our Nation be plummeted and polluted by these thieving pirates. We get our lamps prepared and our oil ready. We occupy the land until you return. We work for you here while there is still light in the day. We spread the Word of the Good News that Jesus Saves.
We breathe in your presence that gives us life, hope, help and strength. We breathe out prayers and declarations. We stand in FAITH on your Word and listen to the words of the prophets. We speak TRUTH! We speak OUT! We speak UP! We speak to the mountains and they must crumble and fall because you have given your Church the AUTHORITY to do so.
“For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Mark 11:23
We speak to these demonic mountains of control, power and greed looming over this Nation. You must bow to the name of Jesus. We speak to every “ism” raring their ugly heads and salivating over this Nation. The LORD rebuke you! In Jesus name. You will NOT have America. You cannot take freedom! You cannot have the church! You cannot control our thoughts and actions! You will not bully us to bend a knee!
We denounce every demonic stronghold that has wrapped it’s wretched tentacles around the White House and Congress. We denounce every evil edict and measure of control spewing from the mouths of these false rulers. We denounce every false flag thrown down to the ground. We denounce every threat. We denounce every vile word of division.
With the authority of the LORD, we declare once again to the enemy: YOU HAVE NO HOLD ON US! We have been bought with a price. Jesus Christ is our faithful witness and we stand on every word that proceeds from his mouth. He is the ruler of the kings of this world. Every knee will bow down before him. Every knee! Every knee! Every single solitary knee will bow before the King!
He receives ALL THE GLORY. He is sending us his GLORY to rule and reign in America. We call it forth! We call forth the convicting power of salvation to invade our government halls across the land. Invade our schools and churches. Invade our homes. Send us the healing balm of Gilead. Send us the refreshing wind of your Spirit and flood the land with truth, justice and righteousness.
Send us your GLORY! Send us your PRESENCE. Send us your LIGHT OF TRUTH and expose the wicked. Expose the perverted. Expose every ounce of evil hiding in the darkness. Expose every demonic work hidden in the darkness. Bring your righteous scales of justice and sentence the guilty and free the innocent. We declare the Courts of Heaven to rain down justice! We declare righteous verdicts will start to bubble up and come forth.
Yeshua! We fall at your feet like John as if we were dead and we declare your Word of Truth over America and the Nations of the earth. Lay your right hand upon us! Renew a right spirit within us. Cause our feet to trod the path that leads to you. Cause us to sit in heavenly places with your presence surrounding us. Cause our hearts to soften for the lost and undone. Cause our eyes to look to you alone.
“I am the living one. I died, but look - I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave.” Revelation 1:18
O Hallelujah! We cast our eyes upon Jesus. We look full in his wonderful face. He is alive. He is in control. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing can stop what He will do. Nothing can stand in His way. We bow before The LORD in humble adoration and we worship him. Oh yes! We worship him!
In Jesus name. So be it!
Blog: WePrayAmerica.org
Telegram: t.me/CherylBothe1