Better late than never? Well, I've been sick for a few weeks which has slowed or rather brought everything to a screeching halt.
At this point, I'm trying to catch up on all the hullabaloo of Christmas and maintaining a focus on the real reason for the season ... which is Christ Has Come!

Thank you Jesus for the gift of Christmas. For your grace and mercy. For the gift of your life so that we could be set free!
O Father!
Thank you for every shining star in the heavens that reminds us of the Star of Bethlehem.
Thank you for the twinkling lights on the trees that remind us that you are the Light of the World.
Thank you for evergreen trees that remind us of your everlasting love for us.
Thank you for Christmas Gatherings that remind us that you have gathered us unto yourself and call us your own.
Thank you for every gift that we give and receive that reminds us of the ultimate gift that You gave to us.
Thank you for the cold crisp air that comes during the Christmas season to remind us that the season will change and Spring will come and usher in new life.
Thank you for the heralding angels singing Glory to God in the Highest to remind us to always praise and worship you.
Thank you Father that you are the giver of every good and perfect gift!
In Jesus name.
Merry Christmas!

I agree with you and want to sayThank you Lord for sending your precious son to earth to be our Emmanuel ✨💞🤗
Cheryl~ May Jehovah Rapha touch and heal you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. May you be renewed and encouraged this day. For Your glory Lord. Amen.
Sorry to hear you have been sick, prayers for a complete recovery to continue your posts. It is God's work.