Father God.
So can we just crawl up in your lap and ask you why? Yes. We just wanna ask you why. Not why are these things happening? Not why did one person say this, that or the other thing? Not why in the world would the prophets of Baal do that? Or why does it have to happen this way? Why can’t we do this way?
No. I want to ask you why does the church cave. Why are they running back to the caves? Why are they bowing down? Why are they drinking the koolaid? Why are they giving in and giving up? I just have to ask. Father God. I just have to ask.
What if Moses at the last minute when it looked like all hope was gone. What if he didn’t hold his staff up over the Red Sea? He just sat down. Laid his staff down and said the going is getting tough. So I quit. If that happened, I guess we would all be building pyramids.
What of the three Hebrew Children? What if they bowed and didn’t go in the fire. They never would have met the fourth man! They are heroes of the faith!
What of Daniel in the Lion’s Den? What if he bowed low to the tyrants of his time. What if he didn’t have faith. I guess he would have been the lion’s dinner.
What of David, the giant and the sling? What if he gave up just as he was about to sling the stone. What if he sat down and said it’s no use. He’s too big. I’m too small. The odds are against me.
What of Paul and Silas at the midnight hour. Chained to the walls of the prison. What if they didn’t praise their way through. Oh! But they did! They let out a song of praise and the walls fell down. And the chains broke off. And salvation came!
“And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.
“But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.” Acts 16:23-26
Come O Come Emmanuel. Break the prison bars off of America. Break the chains and set the captives free. We stand on the Word of the Lord and declare that this is the acceptable year of the Lord. And he has come to do a mighty work in America. We stand as the watchmen on the wall and declare the GLORY of the Lord over America. We declare goodness over Amercia. We declare a great awakening over America.
We declare supernatural courage and protection over President Trump. Give him divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding to make the right decisions at the exact right time. Give him the holy courage of a lion. Give him the boldness of a lion. Give him the stealth of a cheetah. Give him the cunning of a fox. We declare that he will be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.
We declare that a great awakening is coming to America and is in fact upon us. So we will not cower down to the whims of these socialist and communists who seek to overthrow us. We will not bend. We will not bow.
We stand up as children of the Most High God and we stand up as Patriots of this Nation that we love. This Nation that is a beacon to the world for the gospel of Christ and for freedom. Yahweh! Come and knock down the prison doors. Shatter the walls and break the chains all across America!
In Jesus name. So be it!